General Information

Institute of Modern Art Nuremberg

The Institute of Modern Art Nuremberg, reg. non-profit assoc. (founded 1967), is a center of information and documentation for contemporary art, supported by the Free State of Bavaria, the city of Nuremberg, the administrative region of Middle Franconia and private members. The institute’s objectives are the cultivation of an archive for German and international contemporary art, the conception and realization of exhibitions, as well as publishing material on contemporary art.

Library and Archive

The archive of the Institute is one of the most important German special libraries on post-1945 international art. During the course of the years it has proved possible to set up around 24,800 instructive files on the essential representatives of national and international present-day art, a comprehensive archive of journals, as well as a library on a range of fields and themes. Along with exhibition catalogues, monographs, scholarly works and periodicals, also videos, CDs, CD-ROMs and DVDs find a place in our collection. A special focus is given to ‘gray literature’ (invitation cards, brochures, folders…) and to press cuttings (regularly archived from the daily and weekly press and trade journals).

The Institute of Modern Art Nuremberg is a member of the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Kunst- und Museumsbibliotheken” (AKMB) and of the

Archive / Library: Tues, Thur and Fri 10am to 4pm

Fon: +49 (0)911 240 21 16


The exhibitions of the Institute of Modern Art in the Atelier- und Galeriehaus Defet are a ‘display window’ of our institute’s work. They present important positions of current art and throw light on the work of artists whose oeuvre is being continuously documented in our archive.

Institut für moderne Kunst Nürnberg
in the Atelier- und Galeriehaus Defet
Gustaf-Adolf-Strasse 33
90439 Nürnberg


Membership in the Institut für moderne Kunst Nürnberg e.V. is open to any interested person. Annual contribution fee: 75 Euros | Artists, Students: 30 Euros | Families: first person 75 Euros, any further 30 Euros.

Benefits to members:

- Regular invitations to the Institute’s exhibitions and events
- Bargain prize on all publications and the limited arts editions of the Institut für moderne Kunst Nürnberg
- Privileged use of the Institute’s library

Membership application

In close collaboration with the Verlag für moderne Kunst, Wien and starfruit publications, Fürth, the institute regularly publishes monographs, work surveys, as well as books on themes and theories in contemporary art. The institute’s publicist work aims to make the materials and information assembled in the archive known, thus significantly contributing to a better understanding of current art.


Dr. Karl Gerhard Schmidt (Chairman)
Dr. Anja Prölß-Kammerer (Vice-Chairwoman)
Kerstin Böhm
Prof. Dr. Julia Lehner
Karl Matthäus Schmidt
Martina Schmitz
Dirk von Vopelius
Gerlind Zerweck

Advisory council

Prof. Dr. Stephan Berg | Kunstmuseum Bonn (Präsident)
Konrad Bitterli | Kunst Museum Winterthur
Prof. Dr. Daniel Hess | Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg
N.N. | Neues Museum - Staatliches Museum für Kunst und Design, Nürnberg
Dr. Birgit Jooss | Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, München (Stellvertretende Präsidentin)
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Pfennig
Kathleen Rahn | Kunstverein Hannover
Prof. Dr. Wolf Tegethoff
Dr. Susanne Witzgall | cx centrum für interdisziplinäre studien, Akademie der Bildenden Künste


Manfred Rothenberger (Director)
Kathrin Mayer (Vice Director)
Esther Kiener (Management Assistent)
Anke Schlecht (Archive/Library)
Irmhild Degen (Archive/Library)
Melanie Patel (Archive/Library)
Petra Weigle (Exhibitions)
Sophia Rösch (Publications)